How to Download and Install an iOS Simulator in Xcode

Updated: April 25, 2022 By: A Goodman 2 comments

Each simulator comes with a particular OS version such as iOS 14.1, iOS 15.0, iOS 15.2, tvOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, etc. You can easily install the one you need via Xcode. This article shows you how to do so in Xcode 12.x, Xcode 13.x, and newer.

1. Open up your Xcode and go to Xcode > Preferences… through the top menu bar (you can also use shortcuts: Command + ,):

2. Select Components:

3. Click on the download icon that stands on the left side of the simulator you want to download and install:

Once the installation finishes, you’ll see a blue checkmark before the installed simulator, like this:

Done. You’ve successfully added a new iOS simulator.

Further reading:

I have made every effort to ensure that every step in this article works properly, but I may have made some mistakes or omissions. If so, please send me an email: [email protected] or leave a comment to report errors.

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Manish Yella
Manish Yella
2 years ago

Very Easy And Working Solution

Waqar Shahid
Waqar Shahid
2 years ago

Really good read. Best and latest solution.