Dart: Get Host, Path, and Query Params from a URL

Updated: August 22, 2022 By: Hadrianus Post a comment

In Dart, you can extract useful information from a given URL string by following the steps below:

1. Construct a Uri object from your URL string:

const url = "...";
const uri = Uri.parse(url);

2. Now, you can get what you want through various properties of the Uri object. Below are the most commonly used:

  • origin: The base URL (it looks like this: protocol://host:port)
  • host: The host part of the URL (a domain, an IP address, etc)
  • scheme: The protocol (http, https, etc)
  • port: The port number
  • path: The path
  • pathSegments: The URI path split into its segments
  • query: The query string
  • queryParameters: The query is split into a map for easy access

You can find more details about the Uri class in the official docs.


// main.dart
void main() {
  // an ordinary URL
  const urlOne = 'https://www.kindacode.com/some-category/some-path/';

  final uriOne = Uri.parse(urlOne);
  print(uriOne.origin); // https://www.kindacode.com
  print(uriOne.host); // www.kindacode.com
  print(uriOne.scheme); // https
  print(uriOne.port); // 443
  print(uriOne.path); // /some-category/some-path/
  print(uriOne.pathSegments); // [some-category, some-path]
  print(uriOne.query); // null
  print(uriOne.queryParameters); // {}

  // a URL with query paramters
  const urlTwo =
  final uriTwo = Uri.parse(urlTwo);
  print(uriTwo.origin); // https://test.kindacode.com
  print(uriTwo.host); // test.kindacode.com
  print(uriTwo.port); // 443
  print(uriTwo.path); // /one-two-three
  print(uriTwo.pathSegments); // [one-two-three]
  print(uriTwo.query); // search=flutter&sort=asc
  print(uriTwo.queryParameters); // {search: flutter, sort: asc}

That’s it. Further reading:

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