Aggregation Operations in TypeORM (Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Count)

Updated: September 4, 2022 By: Pennywise Post a comment

This short and straightforward article shows you how to perform aggregation operations in TypeORM. We’ll use a query builder and aggregate functions to calculate the following:

  • Sum: The sum of the values
  • Avg: The average value
  • Min: The minimum value
  • Max: The biggest value
  • Count: Count the records

Let’s say we have a table called employee that stores information about names, salaries of staff in a fiction company. Here’s the entity Employee defined with TypeORM:

// Example
// Employee Entity
import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';

export class Employee {
  id: number;

  name: string;

  salary: number;

You can add some dummy data to the table like so:

Now we can use a query builder to find the total salary, average salary, highest salary, smallest salary, and count the number of employees as follows:

const employeeRepository = myDataSource.getRepository(Employee);
const result = await employeeRepository
      .select('SUM(employee.salary)', 'totalSalary')
      .addSelect('AVG(employee.salary)', 'averageSalary')
      .addSelect('MAX(employee.salary)', 'maxSalary')
      .addSelect('MIN(employee.salary)', 'minSalary')
      .addSelect('COUNT(*)', 'count')



  totalSalary: '45000',
  averageSalary: '7500.0000000000000000',
  maxSalary: 12000,
  minSalary: 3000,
  count: '6'

That’s it, my friend. Continue learning more new and interesting stuff about TypeORM by taking a look at the following articles:

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