How to Create Triangles with Tailwind CSS (4 Examples)

Updated: June 16, 2022 By: Pennywise Post a comment

This practical article walks you through four examples of creating triangles with Tailwind CSS.

Example 1: Triangle Left


The code:

<body class="p-40">
    <div class="w-0 h-0 
    border-t-[50px] border-t-transparent
    border-r-[100px] border-r-indigo-600
    border-b-[50px] border-b-transparent

Example 2: Triangle Up

It closely resembles a cone.


The code:

<body class="p-40 flex justify-center items-center">
    <div class="w-0 h-0 
   border-l-[100px] border-l-transparent
   border-b-[250px] border-b-orange-500
   border-r-[100px] border-r-transparent

Example 3: Triangle Right

A right triangle looks like a play button of a video player.


The code:

<body class="p-40 bg-amber-100">
    <div class="w-0 h-0 
    border-t-[80px] border-t-transparent
    border-l-[200px] border-l-rose-600
    border-b-[80px] border-b-transparent

Example 4: Triangle Down

It looks similar to a projection of a funnel.


The code:

<body class="p-40">
    <div class="w-0 h-0 
   border-l-[100px] border-l-transparent
   border-t-[150px] border-t-green-700
   border-r-[100px] border-r-transparent


Did you notice the trick we used to create the triangles? That is, we create a <div> with zero width and height, which has a large-sized edge with a certain color and two adjacent edges it also has a large size, but the background color is transparent.

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